

The NEH Summer Stipends Program supports faculty who pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, 普通的观众, 或两个. 接受者通常会制作文章, 专著, 书, 数字材料, 考古遗址报告, 翻译, 版本, 或者其他学术资源. Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two months.

The Summer Stipends program welcomes projects that respond to NEH’s 弥合文化 倡议. Such projects could focus on cultures internationally or within the United States. 国际 projects might seek to enlarge Americans’ understanding of other places and times, as well as other perspectives and intellectual traditions. American projects might explore the great variety of cultural influences on, 以及无数的亚文化, 美国社会.

These projects might also investigate how Americans have approached and attempted to surmount seemingly unbridgeable cultural divides, or examine the ideals of civility and civic discourse that have informed this quest. 与关注公民话语有关, projects might explore the role of women in America’s civic life as well as the civic role of women in other cultures and regions of the world. All applications will be given equal consideration in accordance with the program’s evaluation criteria, 不管他们是否回应 弥合文化 倡议.

这是一个有限的提交机会, 截止日期是9月26日, 所以请联系赞助项目办公室(x).5129)尽快.

有关更多信息,请查看 NEH网站.

The NSF Career Grant: Establishing the Careers of Teacher-Scholars

Supported by nearly all Directorates in the 国家科学基金会, the 教师 Early Career Development Program provides a five-year grant to tenure-track faculty members with a desire to pursue scholarly work that is integrated with classroom activities and student development. Of particular interest to the NSF are projects that feature cross-disciplinary or international dimensions, in addition to projects that address a broad range of activities that address K-12 education improvement.

虽然这些助学金是竞争性的,但它们确实是竞争性的 limited to the larger research-intensive institutions (small schools are eligible as well) and they are 不 limited to just the STEM disciplines. The NSF supports research in education and the social sciences, 除了科学技术.

If you would like to review the Funding Notice, you can find it 在这里. If you’d like to discuss your plan to apply for a Career Grant, please call the 赞助项目办公室 at x5129.

NSF Announces Deadline for 研究 in Undergraduate Institutions

The 研究 in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) activity supports research by faculty members of predominantly undergraduate institutions through the funding of (1) individual and collaborative research projects, (2) the purchase of shared-use research instrumentation, and (3) 研究 Opportunity Awards for work with NSF-supported investigators at other institutions. All NSF directorates participate in the RUI activity. RUI proposals are evaluated and funded by the NSF programs in the disciplinary areas of the proposed research. Eligible "predominantly undergraduate" institutions include U.S. 两年, 四年, 硕士, and small doctoral colleges and universities that (1) grant baccalaureate degrees in NSF-supported fields, or provide programs of instruction for students pursuing such degrees with institutional transfers (e.g., 两年的学校), (2) have undergraduate enrollment exceeding graduate enrollment, (3)平均授予不超过10个博士学位.D. 或维.Sc. 每年在所有nsf支持的学科中获得学位. Autonomous campuses in a system are considered independently, although they may be submitting their proposals through a central office. A 研究 Opportunity Award is usually funded as a supplement to the NSF grant of the host researcher, and the application is submitted by the host institution.

Developing Models of Facilitated Diffusion f或维NA Binding Proteins (Emmanuel College)
Making Sense of Source Code: Improving Software through Information Retrieval (Loyola - MD)
A Common Cognitive Foundation for Rhythm in Music and Speech (College of Wooster)

更多信息: NSF RUI项目.

在感知和行动中提供资金 & 认知

Supports research on perception, 行动 and cognition. Emphasis is on research strongly grounded in theory. Central research topics for consideration by the Perception, 行动, 和认知面板包括视觉, 试镜, 触觉, 注意, 内存, 推理, 书面和口头论述, 电机控制. The program encompasses a wide range of theoretical perspectives, 比如符号计算, 联结主义, 生态, 非线性动力学, 复杂系统, and a variety of methodologies including both experimental studies and modeling. The PAC program is open to co-review of proposals submitted to other programs (e.g., Linguistics, Developmental and Learning Sciences, Cognitive Neuroscience, etc). 建议可能涉及临床人群, 动物, or computational modeling only if the work has direct impact on basic issues of human perception, 行动, 或认知.

Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Face and Word Processing: Common Principles (Carnegie Mellon)
Workshop on Cognitive Science: the Computational Paradigm (Kalamazoo College)
Phonetic Convergence in Spoken Communication (Montclair University)

更多信息: 感知,行动 & 认知.
