
More than 20 Club Sports provide undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to learn, participate and compete against other schools in a variety of team sports. 这些俱乐部有教练,部分资金由大学提供. Some clubs also have individual dues and fundraising activities that supplement University funding.


刘易斯俱乐部射箭成立于2018年,于2019年进行了改造. 俱乐部现在在校园里有一个专门的射击场. 在博士的指导下. 克里斯蒂·罗伯茨,学生们将学习古老的射箭艺术. 这个俱乐部此时是非竞争性的/社交性的. Contact Dr. 罗伯茨的会议时间和俱乐部参与的细节.

Contact: 学院代表-博士. Christy Roberts at Robertch@lsqn.net


Lewis Club Badminton is divided into two sections - Competitive and noncompetitive. Competitive badminton is currently not a part of a league; however, the team practices with the intention of traveling and becoming a competitive club sport in the future. The noncompetitive league on the other hand is focused on simply playing the sport for fun and exercise.

Contact: Lauryn Luansomkham报道 laurynkluangsomkham@lsqn.net

Baseball (INACTIVE)

Lewis Club baseball is a recreational club sport for those that enjoy playing baseball and staying active. The club intends on joining the NCBA to join the ranks of the many other competitive club baseball teams in the area.

凯发集团官网(如有兴趣): Jill Siegfried at siegfrji@lsqn.net


Lewis Club basketball is a noncompetitive club that meets for the love of the game. Participants are welcome to get together and enjoy playing basketball with fellow fans of the sport.

Contact: Jill Siegfried at siegfrji@lsqn.net

Bass Fishing

Lewis Club Bass Fishing is a club that intends to get together with other fellow students that enjoy fishing. The club travels to local lakes and fishing spots for competitive fishing. The club does have a boat and travels to many locations throughout the fishing season.

Contact: Ryan Scimeca at ryanscimeca@gmail.com


Lewis Club Beach Volleyball is a noncompetitive club sport that welcomes students to enjoy the outdoor volleyball courts on Lewis University’s campus. The club typically meets during the warmer weather but can practice indoors when the weather is not conducive.

Contact: Ryan Lees at ryanlees@lsqn.net

Belegarth (INACTIVE)

We are a Co-Rec/Co-Ed on campus LARPing group where the role play is optional. 一项安全、有活力、快节奏、全方位接触的运动. 想想带剑的彩弹游戏! 练习通常在周一和周五的3点开始.m.-6p.m.  随你的便来随你的便去. Weather permitting competition takes place outside on the green in front of the Rec Center, 或者在3号球场的球场内.

Contact: Ryan Lees at ryanlees@lsqn.net


Lewis Chess club is a noncompetitive club sport that welcomes all students. 这个俱乐部对经验水平没有要求. 欢迎所有人来尝试复杂的国际象棋游戏.

Contact: Charles Fanning at charlestfanning@lsqn.net


Contact: Venkatesh Ankathi venkateshankathi@lsqn.net 或Harsha Ponnuru at harshaponnuru@lsqn.net.

Dungeons & Dragons

Advisor: 鲍勃·巴顿(教师顾问) bartonrt@lsqn.net 约瑟说 Josephrsayyed@lsqn.net


The Flyerettes Dance team provides game time and half-time entertainment at Lewis Soccer and Basketball games. 这个团队每周练习两次学习编舞, working on technique, 为比赛日做准备. 该团队还参与筹款, community events, 以及整个赛季各种团队团结的机会.

Contact: luflyerettes@gmail.com


Lewis Club Golf is a noncompetitive club sport that welcomes students to enjoy playing golf with friends. 这项运动是男女混合的,欢迎所有水平的经验.

凯发集团官网(如有兴趣): Jill Siegfried at siegfrji@lsqn.net

Ice Hockey

Lewis目前有一支队伍参加了ACHA D2. 球队每周在罗密欧维尔的坎兰冰场训练两次. The teams play a rigorous schedule competing against a variety of schools in Illinois, Michigan, 威斯康星州和明尼苏达州. Games are typically played at home on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. 选拔赛通常在开学前的8月举行.

Contact: lewisunivhockey@outlook.com

Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu Club practices twice weekly in the Group Exercise Room of the Rec Center. 如欲了解更多资料,请联络小组负责人:

Contact: Ryan Lees at ryanlees@lsqn.net

Outdoor Adventure

户外探险是凯发集团官网最新的俱乐部之一. 凯发集团官网周末冒险去划皮艇, hiking, horseback riding, camping, 彩弹和滑雪. Dues are based on the trips that you travel with the group and are nominal. For more information and to join the group contact: Amanda Sharkey at asharkey@lsqn.net.

Rugby (Men's)

Lewis Men's Rugby Club is a competitive club that gets together to stay active and enjoy playing Rugby with fellow fans of the sport. 这个俱乐部确实参加了当地的比赛.

Contact: Eric Spangler(教务顾问 spangler@lsqn.net


Contact: Cassandra Miller at cassandramiller@lsqn.net

Rugby (Women's)

Contact: Eric Spangler(教务顾问 spangler@lsqn.net

Run Club (Co-Ed)

跑步俱乐部是凯发集团官网新成立的一个俱乐部. Run club provides a group setting for runs and workouts of all levels. 会员可以是竞争性的或非竞争性的. 练习时间是周二和周四下午4点.m. 目前没有参加的费用.

Contact: Ryan Lees at ryanlees@lsqn.net

Scuba Diving

刘易斯潜水俱乐部是一个新成立的非竞争性俱乐部. The club welcomes all students that are interested in learning how to scuba dive and use the complicated equipment that goes with the sport.

Contact: Eric Spangler at spangler@lsqn.net

Soccer (Men's)

Lewis Club Soccer is a long standing noncompetitive club that participates plays together. 这个俱乐部打算将来参加一个竞争性联赛. The club's practice times vary so contact the captain for more details.

Contact: Xavier Gonzalez at xavieragonzalez@lsqn.net

Soccer (Women's)

刘易斯足球俱乐部是一个新的女子俱乐部. 它们目前在性质上是娱乐的. 他们每周练习一次。. 他们计划在不久的将来参加一个地方会议.

Contact: 娜塔莉·埃尔南德斯报道 nathalyhernandez@lsqn.net


Lewis Club Table Tennis is a noncompetitive club sport with the intention of becoming competitive in the future. Students are encouraged to come and play this recreational sport with fellow students in the Student recreation and Fitness Center.

Contact: Ryan Lees at ryanlees@lsqn.net


Contact: Eric Murgas at ericrmurgas@lsqn.net


终极选手通常每周练习一次. 他们每学期参加3-4次锦标赛. 比赛通常在周六和周日举行. 团队会费根据您与团队的旅行而有所不同.

Contact: Devin Kenebrew at devinakenebrew@lsqn.net

Volleyball (Men's)

Lewis Men’s Club Volleyball is one of the prominent and competitive sports clubs at Lewis. 中西部平原山谷会议的一部分, 刘易斯这些年做得很好, 两次获得分区冠军, 一年,包括在全国锦标赛中名列前茅. They are looking to improve with new talent and optimized chemistry. 该俱乐部在秋季举办一场主场锦标赛, 还有可能参加春季的联盟锦标赛. 练习时间是周二和周四,晚上8-10点.m. Competitions are scheduled with IU, Iowa, and Iowa State in fall and with SLU Mizzou in spring.

Contact: Jake Arrowood at jacobdarrowood@lsqn.net or 630-631-2320

Volleyball (Women's)

女子俱乐部排球队于2016年正式组建. While the team is still young, the players are very excited to see what the future holds for them! Practices are held twice a week and is determined based on the team availability. 该团队每学期参加3-5次周末比赛. This club is a great way to stay in shape, make friends, and continue to play the sport you love! The team is always looking to add experienced players, so feel free to reach out!

Water Polo (Co-Ed)

The Lewis Club Water Polo team is made up of players who played all through their high school career as well as players who have never picked up a water polo ball. Together the team meets up to help teach inexperienced players the sport, 提高他们的技能, get in a workout, 最重要的是, have fun. The club has competed against Harper Community College and plans to expand in size to compete against more clubs in the area. 练习在星期三晚上进行.

Contact: Radoslaw Lucarz at radoslawslucarz@lsqn.net


Lewis Club Weightlifting is a co-ed club that welcomes all levels of experience. We aim to practice lifting for competitive prep as well as physical health. Practices are fluid but permanent meetup days are scheduled for Mondays at 11:00am and Fridays at 1:00pm.

