
菲利普林奇剧院的使命之一是为它所服务的社区提供多样化的文化活动体验, 凯发集团官网将继续提供方便的票房购买机会 that are now available online凯发集团官网还将继续通过电话或亲自进行方便的票房实践.  Lewis University’s Philip Lynch Theatre (PLT) provides its faculty, 教职员工和学生可获得免费或低价门票参加PLT的活动.  季票持有者将能够继续节省成人个人票价的折扣,并保证在预订座位的活动中享有优惠座位.  观众将有机会以先到先得的方式获得剧院任何空位的门票.    

由于一些活动门票已售罄,凯发集团官网鼓励顾客尽早购买活动门票.  PLT individual ticket purchases go on sale in June, and the PLT season of 5 main stage shows runs from July to April.  艺术 & 的想法 Performing 艺术 Series are free and open to the public and seating is general admission (is first come; first serve).  以下是获得剧院活动门票的新票房惯例, and patron information.  We look forward to seeing you at the shows! 


We are happy to introduce ticket purchases with a credit card online. The PLT box office is moving forward and updating our ticketing software to 耐温钛.com 一个基于云的,易于使用的界面来服务凯发集团官网的订阅者,校友,学生,教师 & staff, and community patrons. With change comes cost and our patrons will see a 耐温钛.com fee, and an additional credit card payment fee. 


Tickets can be reserved by phone.  Call the PLT Box Office at (815) 836-5500 from 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The patron will be asked to mail in a check for payment. Tickets will be mailed to the patron when payment is received.  Phone reservations will be held for 3 business days.  Reservations that are 不 paid within 3 business days will be released.  在活动前5天预订的门票将视情况而定,未支付的预订将在演出开始前15分钟开始出售.


The PLT Box Office is open Monday through Friday, from 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.  Our friendly student staff will assist you with all your ticketing needs. 所有已购票的演出,售票处于演出前一小时开始营业.  门票 sold 20 minutes after the performance has begun.  Patron late seating is at the discretion of the management.


PLT订户享受最优惠的价格和折扣优惠. Exclusive subscriber benefits include advance 不ice of special events, FREE ticket insurance, 免费换票,保证高需求剧目优先入座.  Before individual ticket purchases go on sale, 季票持有者可以方便地通过电话更新他们的订阅,in person or online. 


菲利普·林奇剧院的票房位于凯发集团官网主校区的奥雷姆斯美术中心, located at One University Parkway, 罗马oville, 60446.


Hours of operations are 1:00-4:30 pm, Monday – Friday.  售票处在售票活动预定开始时间前60分钟开放.  售票处校内分机5500,校外电话815)836-5500,电子邮件地址 boxoffice@lsqn.net、网站 www.lsqn.net/plt .

Patron's Information


在有空位的情况下,凯发集团官网为使用轮椅的人士提供特别的有限座位,并会发出24小时通知. To make arrangements, call the PLT Box Office at (815) 836-5500.

没有退款.  All ticket sales are final.

赛季的交流. 换季票时,订户必须提前24小时通知,方可在有空位的情况下换看同一剧目的另一场演出.  换季可致电PLT售票处(815)836-5500或通过电子邮件进行 boxoffice@lsqn.net  Season exchanges are 不 available online, subscribers are asked to call.

Hearing assistance equipment ,并可增加你欣赏演出的乐趣.

turn off cell phones, 寻呼机, 发出哔哔声的手表和所有其他可能干扰性能的电子设备.

没有外部 food, drinks, or smoking are allowed in the theatre. PLT concessions are available with lidded coffee cups and bottled water; LU campus buildings are smoke-free.  Oremus美术中心外设有指定吸烟区.

Law strictly prohibits the use of photographic, video, or recording equipment during the performance.

出于礼貌凯发集团官网的其他客人和舞台上的演员,请不要在表演期间说话. 作为对在PLT表演的艺术家和其他观众的礼貌,被视为过度扰乱的客人将被要求离开剧院.

A word about children: In consideration of our actors and other audience members, we ask you 不 to bring children age five or younger to these events. 除非是家庭推荐,否则不允许5岁以下儿童观看. All patrons, even children, must have a ticket to attend performances. Babes-in-arms are 不 allowed in the theatre during performances, unless the production is family recommended.

因为 of the intimacy of our theatre, 迟到者将在演出的适当休息时间被安排入座.  For your safety, please wait to be seated by an usher.

对于持有有效Lewis ID的学生,PLT制作的门票为3美元.00.  家人和朋友可以以正常价格购买额外的门票.  在线购买的刘易斯学生票必须凭有效的刘易斯身份证在售票处领取.

艺术 & 的想法 Performing 艺术 Series events are free and open to the public.  Seating is based on first-come-first-serve.

In accordance with Illinois State Fire Marshal regulations凯发集团官网要求你花点时间找出离你最近的紧急出口. 凯发集团官网已经检查了这些出口和这栋楼里的其他应急设备,确认它们在紧急情况下可用. In case of an emergency, 密切关注播音员或引座员,了解重要的救生信息.

剧院的座位容量是根据伊利诺伊州消防马歇尔条例设置的.  Therefore, we can only accommodate a specific number (242) of people.  For un-ticketed free events, you are advised to arrive early.  一旦满员,额外的观众将不允许进入剧院.

为了您的安全, 凯发集团官网要求在演出期间,所有的客人都留在座位上,直到每一幕结束时灯光全部亮起. In addition to the safety concerns, the actors in our performances work very hard for your enjoyment, 在谢幕时退场对表演者来说是非常不礼貌的.

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